6-19 June 2022

Presentation : Friday June 17, 7:30 PM

How did we become what we are? What shapes us, what makes us decide to choose one way or the other? And is it possible to transform oneself into someone or something completely different?

Humans are developing and transforming themselves continuously. Like a never-ending micro evolution. Being & Becoming searches for the very first moments, movements, and thoughts in our lives – still so flexible and adaptable that we could almost go in every direction. It is also about the courage to leave what does not fit anymore and about trying something new.

Celebrating all the different kinds of transformation: smoothly, slowly, unconscious, controlled, explosive and never ending.

During this residency I will be further developing my piece, (re)searching for ways to embody transformation. Especially the ones, that surprise yourself.

Research questions will be:

Is it possible to create movements that you never done before? And if yes, how?

A special focus will also be brought to the relationship between movement and (live) music:

How does music influence movement improvisation?

What difference does it make if this music is played live?

What inspiration can movement offer for (live) music creation?

During the last days of this residency electronic composer and synth player Maria Solberger ( AT) will join me to experiment with ways of adaption, fusion and distinction between music and movement.

On our last day we would be happy to invite you for our presentation: Friday 17th June 19:30

About the artist: Una Wiplinger (AT/NL) is a choreographer/dancer and musician/composer. Under her artistic name OONA MINOO she creates interdisciplinary performances, that use dance and music as ways to connect to and communicate with the audience and go beyond genre borders.