Laura Shapiro / quicksilverdance, Thomas Körtvélyessy / Reàl Dance Companydis/embodiment, re-embodiment and dance
informal sharing Friday September 16th (online/studio)
20.00 hrs (CEST) 2pm (EST)
over this summer, New York-based choreographer Laura Shapiro and Thomas Körtvélyessy continued a written conversation about dis/embodiment and dance in relation social and political crises of our present times.
what relation do they experience as dance-professionals between dis/embodiment and its consequences, incl. fascism, destruction of the biosphere of which they are a part?
what can be the role of (our) embodiment, dance and creativity in this process?
how does listening to and acting according to our physical state relate to a dance culture where production and performance do (not always) allow for this to happen?
you are welcome to join them on Friday September 16th at 20.00hrs (Den Haag) or 2 pm (New York), when they share more about this project and open up the discussion. you can join via Zoom or directly in the studio of CLOUD, De Constant de Rebecqueplein 20b, 2518 RA the Hague/Den Haag. (face-masks mandatory) – warm thanks to the Kinetic Awareness™ Center for kindly providing the Zoom-account that will connect us is limited,
please pre-register here by clicking on this link (opens a reply e-mail)
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