Category Archives: CLOUD

Residency | Marlieke Burghouts

2 – 8 May
Presentation 5 May 18:00 Facebook
Movement lab monday till thursday from 100:00 till 11:15 am

During the residency Marlieke Burghouts is going to deepen out the first stages of her research into the embodiment and staging of ‘willfulness’ and ‘willingness’.
(Sara Ahmed Willful subjects Duke Press 2014 )

This research is conducted in relation to the whole body, but in particularly in relation to the action of raising the arm and the diverse meanings and readings this gesture can have.

My interest lays in investigating how the individual body, in this case myself, experiences willingness and willfulness and how that influences the actions and shaping of the body. Where do my decisions spatially and physically bring me?

The work will be created in collaboration with sound artists Jeske de Blauw en Mark IJzerman.
About Marlieke Burghouts
Marlieke Burghouts is a dancer, choreographer and teacher active in the Netherlands. In 2014 she graduated from the MA Choreography of Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London, UK. There she developed a deep interest in researching how the body is being shaped within society. Specifically she researches how we make decisions, how the physical body is ‘inscribed’ and shaped and how our identity is formed through culture and societal structures.
Marlieke has taught modern classes in upstate New York, New york City, Rotterdam, the Hague and Delft and will continue to teach modern classes and improvisation workshops throughout the Netherland and Europe


CLOUD Club #12 | The Underscore | Yaniv & Pablo

Saturday 21 May 19:00

Next edition will be a real music and dance jam session! For all  impro lovers out there, join us for this more than amazing edition of  CLOUD Club!

Costs: €7,00
Doors open at 18:15
Session starts at 18:45
We finish at 23:00

The Underscore is a vehicle for incorporating Contact Improvisation into a broader arena of improvisational dance practice; for developing greater ease dancing in spherical space—alone and with others; and for integrating kinesthetic and compositional aspects while improvising. It allows for a full spectrum of energetic and physical expressions, embodying a range of forms and changing states. Its practice is familiar yet unpredictable.
(Nancy Stark Smith)

A quote by Nancy Stark Smith (from “Caught Falling”)
“You can’t do it wrong”
As long as your intention is to do the Underscore (and you haven’t inadvertently mistaken this for a tango class or nightclub), you can relax and assume that your actions and interpretations won’t be “wrong”.

Pablo (Pawel Wysocki) is a musician who grew up between the  blues, the rock, the jazz and the folk.
He is a songwriter and composer, and used to be a singer and guitar player in the Polish band Transcendent. As a musician he participated in theater performances and musical projects. In the past two years he has worked as improviser for dancers, playing the acoustic guitar.

Yaniv has enthusiastically explored Contact Improvisation in the past few years. It has been a home for him to return to his movement and to take it with him on his travels. He has been studying and exploring his movement with Nancy Stark Smith, Daniel Lepkoff, Julyen Hamilton, Mirva Makinnen and many other wonderful teachers, dancers and friends. He incorporates in his practice Human Design, Vipassana and Yoga. Photography and Music are part of his artistic life journey. He has also worked as Software Consultant for 12 years.

Presentation | Wetec Lab KABK

Friday 22 April 20:00

Students of the research lab WEtec from the KABK Den Haag present their outcomes at CLOUD/Danslab. During 9 weeks our students have developed their own research on researching body awareness, body movement, the senses, sensor technology and soft electronics. The diversity of this interdisciplinary lab is reflected in the different research results. The evening will be presented with installations and performances.

Doors open from 19.30
There will be a self-service bar. Donations for studio are welcome

More information soon

Workshop | Egyptian dance with Arabic music ensemble | Laura Maria de Gaspari

with Laura Maria De Gaspari and Live music
29 May, From 14:00 to 18:00

Under the name Egyptian dance, we mean the foundation movement that characterizes the rich classical and folk dance heritage of Egypt. The workshop is accompanied by a Classical Arab music ensemble.

The aim is to have an experience with the essence of the dance and music, an inner, meditative moment of joy and freedom. An experience with the richness and beauty of traditional dance both for Egyptian dancers and contemporary dancers.

Register via:
About Egyptian Dance:
Find the event on Facebook.

Very Early bird (before April 15th): € 50
Early Bird (before May 1st): € 60
May price: € 70

The participation fee is half reimbursed (50% of the paid amount) in case of illness and with a medical certificate.

Residency | Trouble Wit, Magic and Choreography at the Table | Tilman Andris & Emilie Gallier

On April 27 and April 28, Tilman Andris and Emilie Gallier are again working in CLOUD preparing for their presentation for the International Dance Day (Leiden, 29 April, open to all) and for an experimental afternoon within the walls of Quartair (Den Haag, 1 May, closed event).

To join their performance see
or contact (reservation is recommended since there are only few seats at the table)
Trouble Wit is a theatrical paper folding demonstration performed by magicians since the 17th century. In their performances, magicians used Trouble Wit as an illustration device for narratives.
We enrich the possibilities of Trouble Wit by the use of choreography.
Where this performance usually takes place on stage in front of its audience, we invite spectators to sit around tables and we perform close-up for them at those. We hope for the dinner-table format to serve proximity, friendship, and possible conversations. No dinner is served, but food for thought, causing the imagination of our audience to wander. Spectators learn about the history of Trouble Wit and hear unexpected surrealistic stories. We intend to address the audience’s expectation when it comes to see a magic performance by a male magician and a female choreographer: will bodies disappear, be cut in half? The spectator’s status of co-creator fascinates us and we wish to make our audience more aware of the nuances of their participation (from physically helping, to reacting with ‘aaah’ ‘ooooh’, or to mentally and silently imagining tricks).
Concept, magic: Tilman Andris
Concept, choreography: Emilie Gallier
Supported by: CLOUD, PØST Cie, C-DaRE (Centre for Dance Research, Coventry).


Classes| Contemporary Dance| Christina Karagianni

christina K contempFrom tuesday 12 april we will be having a new evening class  from 19:00 till 20:00
Contemporary Dance by Christina Karagianni.

This class is based on the principles of release technique. This means, focusing on the breathing, skeletal alignment, muscle relaxation, joint articulation and the use of gravity to facilitate efficient movement.
Open to all levels.

Christina Karagianni (1987, Larisa, Greece) received her education as a professional dancer from the Greek National School of Dance (KSOT) and completed her MA in Theater studies at the University of Utrecht. She considers dance and choreography as an art form that can produce knowledge; therefore she is interested in the inquiry of the relationship between practice (praxis) and theory.

more info & contact & price: look at the classes page  for Contemporary Dance by Christina Karagianni

Residency | Non visual palbable dances | Zwoisy Mears-Clarke

1 – 8 April 
Movement Labs | Non-visual palpable dances | 4-8 April | 10:00-12:00 | €7,-

About the residency and movement labs
Non-visual, palpable dance – how Zwoisy defines it – is a form of dance where the dance is communicated physically through touch. The audience is a physical participant by using their somatosensory faculties (skin, bones, for example) to ‘view’ the piece in which the shape of the whole body of the dancer and eyesight become irrelevant as the audience’s body becomes the dancefloor.

The main ideas that will be explored are:
– Types of touches: are there certain touches that have common interpretations?
– Connotations of the areas of the body: what happens when the dance takes place ‘on’ the wedding-ring finger versus the pointer finger?
– Physical amplification: In a pitch black room with touch as the main medium, what kinds of amplifiers can be used for one performer to be able to dance for 4 or even 30 people?

About Zwoisy
Zwoisy Mears-Clarke was born in Jamaica and immigrated to the U.S.A. at the age of 13, before heading off again at 21. Following this ongoing migratory experience Zwoisy’s work focuses on the translation of untold stories. Paired with discussion of written and oral stories throughout the process of creating each piece, full-bodied movement, gestures, scholarly literature and collaboration are used to support its materialization. The aim of this process remains to provide alternatives ways to share experiences and form connections between estranged communities. Zwoisy received a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University, New York City and a B.A. in Physics and Dance at Oberlin College, Oberlin, U.S.A. in 2012. Within the work, one will find that these opposing yet complementary concepts of the body are connected. In the recent years, Zwoisy has studied with Billie Hanne, Jodi Melnick, Kirstie Simson, Mary Cochran, and Nancy Stark-Smith, and has performed the works of Isabelle Schad,Susan Rethorst, Kyle Abraham, and Will Rawls. Zwoisy has performed and shown work at venues both in Berlin and New York City, such as HAU, Sophiensaele, New York Live Arts, and the Tank. Currently, Zwoisy is based in Berlin.

Workshop | Samba & Afro-Brazilian | Noëlla Das

16 April | 13:00 – 15:00 | €20,-

Noëlla Das has been dancing Samba and other Brazilian and African styles since she was only 15 years old. After years of performing, she specialized in Afro-Brazilian and contemporary African dance. Noëlla also received training in classical ballet, improvisation, and modern dance. By combining her years of experience with yearly trips to Senegal and Brazil, Noëlla is always up-to-date with the latest developments in her field. Additionally, Noëlla is a talented musician, playing the saxophone and several Latin and African percussion instruments.

Noëlla’s classes are focused on the different rhythms from West-Africa and Brazil, and how they relate to the body. Isolation of movement, posture and use of space are central parts of her class and her warm approach to teaching have made her a favorite of many students across the Netherlands.

Workshop Afro-Brazilian dance
Saturday 16 April from 13:00 – 15:00
Price: €20

Please register by sending an email to Damani on:

Residency | Trouble Wit | Emilie Gallier & Tilman Andris

14-19 March
Presentation | Saturday 19 March | 11:00-13:00

Trouble Wit is a theatrical paper folding demonstration performed by magicians since the 17th century. In their performances, magicians used Trouble Wit as an illustration device for narratives.
We enrich the possibilities of ‘Trouble Wit’ by the use of choreography. We build larger sized Trouble Wits in order to access other movements, proportions, and narratives. Where this performance usually takes place on stage in front of its audience, we invite spectators to sit around tables and we perform close-up for them at those. We hope for the dinner-table format to serve proximity, friendship, and possible conversations. No dinner is served, but food for thought, causing the imagination of our audience to wander. Spectators learn about the history of Trouble Wit and hear unexpected surrealistic stories. We intend to address the audience’s expectation when it comes to see a magic performance by a male magician and a female choreographer: will bodies disappear, be cut in half? The spectator’s status of co-creator fascinates us and we wish to make our audience more aware of the nuances of their participation (from physically helping, to reacting with ‘aaah’ ‘ooooh’, or to mentally and silently imagining tricks).

Concept, magic: Tilman Andris
Concept, choreography: Emilie Gallier

Workshop| Composing Dance and Poetics | Billie Hanne

10  till 13th of May  10:00 – 16:00h


An essential class for dancers wanting to explore and produce poetry in performance.
The course investigates the relationship between words and gravity through effective use of the body’s anatomy. The dancer who makes dance and poetry from a body in motion deals with an intimate mythology that is raw and textured, three dimensional and springs from rhythm. In essence the work is to have both the poetry and the dance individuate so they can be housed by what is being imagined, produced, expressed.
Technically the areas of bone and muscle in relationship to gravity are worked on to facilitate an integrated speech. Therefor tongue and body must find spatial resonance in imagery and meaning as well as in euphonic qualities. Rhythm, both linear and sequential, radial and instant, in the combining of elements in space unites the material and weaves it into the fabric of the dance. Poetry then is a three-dimensional changing complex of body, voice, space, form and time.





Dog.” *

* from a piece titled ‘Lightning’ performed in 2015

Class is for dancers, professional, as well as offering some places for movers working in other fields.

In her teaching Billie Hanne engages both the choreographic and poetic mind to a level that allows for composition to occur from the body’s intelligence and inner logic. There is a particular focus on refining proprioceptive skills essential for the dancer to create materials that live in space and time in a meaningful way. By furthering this area of technique students develop awareness to read the many layers in a composition while making. Key words for recent classes are ‘spiral’, ‘phrasing’, ‘myth’, ‘cyclical time, ‘space’. Many of her classes involve using language hereby adressing the dancer’s skills and knowledge of the moving body. Billie Hanne teaches in different dance centres and studios in Europe. She is a passionate teacher and able to transmit her wide experience effectively and with zest.

Billie Hanne composes dance and poetry in instant choreographies, provocative poetics in the spur of the moment, in the realm of vision and instinct.
She retrieves and examines human intimacy with space, time, object and light. The body. Through radical handling of poetics and dance she weaves nature’s sophistication into different textures, tales and geometrics that penetrate skill with grace and lyrical power with rhythm. She transforms a space and inhabits the evocation with choreography and verse.
In her practice she reimagines tradition and pushes the boundaries of the art form through blending and morphing myth and physical reality. Her pieces are spiritual architectures that layer dissonant forces. She brings her work to different venues from underground studios to established theatres, to galleries and industrial sites.
Since 2009 she has performed with Allen’s Line, the Julyen Hamilton Company, amongst which the latest ‘i smooth crimson’ (2012-2013) and ‘Goat Ocean (2014-2015) which were shown in different places in Europe.. In 2012 she made her first solo ‘Hamlet in Palace’, and since other solos that have followed are: ‘Johnny on the Run’, ‘Deep Brown Sea’, ‘Lightning’ and ‘Daisy’. These works have been shown in Brussels, Berlin, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, London. For Wheelgod she has, amongst others, directed the duet ‘Map of Antarctica’, the quartert ‘Melchior’ and ‘All for Big B!’, a new piece.

registration: short intro letter + cv to
payment: € 150


This workshop is part of the project

Billie’s Roos, Mythe en Been in het Regentessekwartier.

supported by:

Gemeente Den Haag


logo.cultuurfonds                                                   afdeling Zuid-Holland

Residency | Synergetic Interpolations | Fazle S. & Mári Mákó

22 – 28 February
Presentation Sunday 28 February 19:00

In this residency Mári Mákó (sound artist, sonologist) and Fazle Shairmahomed (artist-researcher, dancer) explore together the relations between sound and movement as immersive of each other.
It builds upon the existing work of Mári Mákó with oscilators and a sensor.

Mári Mákó’s sound installation consists out of one sensor and two oscillators, which allow an immersive physicality to develop. Initially by using the hands to create shadows, manipulate light, and to change the position of the sensor, transforming the soundscape constantly. In performance, physicality is most often facilitated by sound, and therefore sensorially more prominent, which we aim to challenge by enhancing this relation through technological devices and light. This research questions the input-output relation of sound and movement, and different technological devices. How can the relation between sound and movement become diffuse and immersive of each other?

The question of synesthesia will be addressed, as an inter-sensorial exhibition and initiation. We suggest to approach synaesthetic experience as a matter of what extent one experiences inter-sensoriality consciously. An enactivist approach will be used to understands the senses as organs of the body which exist in movement within an environment where perception takes shape, while a cultural specific understanding of the senses is acknowledged as a model that informs the way in which we understand the environment.

Movement Labs
Monday 22 February – Friday 27 February 10:00-12:00 | €7,- per class

This movement lab by Fazle Shairmahomed will offer exercises that sensitize the body which allows to find new relations between the senses, and emphasize the immediate interdependency of the senses. Inspired by Body Weather, Butoh, Fighting Monkey, somatics. The classes offer ways to explore individually and collectively the meaning of the senses to the body in locomotion and dance.

Day 1: Space
Day 2: Silence, tension, and threads
Day 3: Body pointing
Day 4: Urgency
Day 5: Internal bodily patterns

About Fazle Shairmahomed
Fazle Shairmahomed is an interdisciplinary artist-researcher, performer, performance maker, and anthropologist. His work evolves in challenging understandings of inter-sensoriality, the relation between environment, performance, spectatorship, and society, and the ability to learn and train particularly in dance. Fazle studied (MA) Cultural and Social Anthropology (2012) and (BA) Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies (2010) at the University of Amsterdam, University of Leiden, and NVIC in Cairo, Egypt. After ethnographic research in Bosnia-Herzegovina he has reshaped his interests in processes of perception, interpretation, and sensation through physical movement and dance practices. Currently in the process of applying for a PhD position in ethnographic practice as artistic-research on inter-sensoriality in dance among children and spectators. He collaborates with Emilie Gallier and Astarti Athanasiadou on choreographic objects and spectatorship, Ludmila Rodrigues on installations to choreograph the people, and Valentina Lacmanovic on contemporary whirling dance practice. Furthermore he is an active practitioner in the Axis Syllabus research group of Ilse van Haastrecht, and one of the organizers of CLOUD/Danslab. In improvisation dance performance he has collaborated with Ana Leonor Ladas, in organized by Oorsprong Curators. Besides he is experienced in different contemporary dance practices, (contact-)improvisation, Butoh, Body Weather, Biodanza, Palestinian folklore, shamanic dance rituals, and yoga.

About Mári Mákó
Mári Mákó is an interdisciplinary sound and performance artist. She has recently been experimenting with live electronic improvisation. For this piece she is focusing on exploring her own style of performance, primarily using sensors to control the sound of analogue oscillators. Along with this she is also digitally processing these sounds with the intention to realize new sonic textures. Mári is currently studying at the Institute of Sonology at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, and has been guest student at the Liszt Ferenc Music Academy, Budapest in 2011. She collaborated with composer Mikolay Laskowski, Justin Bennett, Johan van Kreij, among which with a live electronic improvisation set up.

Workshop | African Contemporary dance | Simone Heijloo

Sunday, 20th March |  14:00 – 16:00

On Sunday 20 March ’16 Simone Heijloo will give a workshop in African Contemporary dance. This is a base of African traditional dance combined with contemporary dance.
In this workshop you can experience the multiple colors of the African dance and develop your technique in this unique dance style!

We will work with different exercises in African traditional dance, contemporary dance, Technique Acogny (African Contemporary dance), yoga and body work-out. In this way you will have a total experience of African Contemporary dance and a good work out for your body!
After we work step by step on choreography to DANCE and have FUN! :)

Bio Simone Heijloo:
Simone teach African Contemporary dance and is the only Dutch professional dance teacher in this Unique African technique in The Netherlands! She followed her professional dance education in African traditional dance and African Contemporary dance at:
l’Ecole des Sables, Senegal and l’Ecole de Danse Irène Tassembédo (EDIT), Burkina Faso.

Simone followed also training courses in Ghana and Ivory Coast and performed at MASA (Marché des Arts Africaines) 2014 in Ivory Coast.

Now Simone works on different African dance projects in The Netherlands and Burkina Faso.

Check out for more Classes, Videos and Workshops: