Category Archives: CLOUD

LET LOOSE | Movement Research | Ivan Cook

Would you like to be a part of an creative environment to research, explore, create and play?

LET LOOSE | Movement Research class invites you to deepen your practice

The classes are based upon 3 pillars:

Physical Development:

Increasing movement capabilities through Contemporary Dance, Floorwork, Mobility methods, Movement games

Mental Development:

Rewiring your brain to regain & strengthen your senses. Using movement situations as a segway to train the brain through techniques of problem solving, logic, memory & sustained attention.

Artistic Development:

The Accumulation of the previous developments lays the ground work to help uniquely develop a solo and group creative signature. Unmasking or discovering new chains of movement, thinking and communication skills. Weekly tasks will be given to discover multiple avenues of creative potential, abstract thinking, improvisation, composition, contact improvisation.

WHERE: Cloud Danslab, De Constant Rebecqueplein 20-B, 2518 RA Den Haag, Netherlands

WHEN: Saturdays 12:30 – 14:30 (2 Hours)
Meet out front 12:10 go up together.

Autumn 9th November / 14th December (6 Classes)

Trial Class available (10 euro)


Single Class €17.50 (incl. 21%btw)

Autumn term €90 (incl. 21% btw)

CONTACT: Please send a PM via the facebook // Whatsapp:0687863221 // or email to:

Belly dance and Pilates Summer Class

Bellydance and Pilates Summer Classes

Website | Facebook

Bellydance and Pilates Summer Classes
Would you like to keep moving during the summer time? Join the Bellydance and Pilates Summer Classes. 4 weeks of Bellydance and Pilates classes with various topics like shimmy’s, dancing with veil, baladi. Besides Bellydance and Pilates classes I will also teach my first class which combine’s the benefits of Pilates with Bellydance. See below for more info on topics.

Early Bird Discount
You can join us for 1 or several classes. If you register for 5, 8 or 12 classes you get a discount.
If you have registered and your payment is received by Friday June 28 you will get a Early Bird discount. So hurry up!

Would you like to join the Summer Classes?Register first using the application form. Choose the option `Summer Classes` and let us know in the Comments which classes you would like to join, the amount of classes and on which dates.
Note! You can only join the classes if you have registered and have paid in advance! You cannot sign up for a trial class.

Costs Early Bird discount
€15,- for 1 class
5 classes for €70,-
8 classes for €108,-
12 classes for €156,- = including the 4 Pilates classes outdoors on the beach and at the Paleistuin.

Early Bird discount will end Friday June 28! So hurry up! After this date the classes will be  €17,50,- for 1 class.

Class time Schedule

Week 1 
Fusion Pilates & Bellydance: How to use your muscles in Bellydance
Tuesday 23 July from 19:30 – 20:30
Open level

Bellydance: Shake that body – Shimmy’s , accents & isolations
Tuesday 23 July from 20:30 – 21:45
Open level

Week 2
Pilates: Glutes, glutes, glutes – Booty training
Tuesday 30 July from 19:30 – 20:30
Open level

Bellydance: Dancing with Veil & Flow
Tuesday 30 July from 20:30 – 21:45
Open level

Week 3
Pilates: Work that upperbody
Monday 5 August from 19:30 – 20:30
Open level

Bellydance : Baladi & Musical Interpretation
Monday 5 August from 20:30 – 21:45
Open level – some experience required in Bellydance moves

Week 4
Pilates: Abs & Breathing
Monday 12 August from 19:30 – 20:30
Open level

Bellydance: Arm movement & Intensity
Monday 12 August from 20:30 – 21:45
Open level

Topics Summer Classes

Fusion Pilates & Bellydance: How to use your muscles in Bellydance
Which muscles do I use for different Bellydance moves?  How do I keep my balance? How do I improve my body posture while dancing, create more intensity or become more staccato? Join this class and improve your body awareness while dancing.

PilatesAlways wanted to try Pilates? Or like to continue your classes during the summer?
What is Pilates? Pilates is a workout method that will improve your strength, flexibility and body awareness. It will make you feel more balanced, improve your posture and will prevent physical discomfort like stiff shoulders and lower back pain. It is also a good combination if you want to become better at Bellydance. It can be done by anybody no matter what age or level. The classes are open to men and women.

Pilates: Glutes, glutes, glutes – Booty training
This is a full body workout with more focus on your booty. We will train and strengthen the different glute muscles which are often not used enough due to sitting all day. Training these can prevent lower back pain and improve your body posture.
Level: Open level

Pilates: Work that upper body
This is a full body workout with more focus on your upper body. Create more strength, mobility and body awareness in your upper body.
Level: Open level

Pilates: Abs & Breathing
This is a full body workout with more focus on strengthening your abs and the connection between abs and breathing. Breathing properly has so many benefits. It will create less stress in your body in daily life and will help you improve your strength while training.
Level: Open level


Shake that body – Shimmy’s , accents & isolations
Are you looking for a dance class that is high energy and that will improve your stamina? This class is fun and upbeat and will guaranty a high energy workout!  We will work on creating more power in your shimmy’s, various accents and isolations. You will learn a short combo (mini choreo).
Level: Open level

Dancing with Veil & Flow
During these classes you will learn the beauty of dancing with veil and how to create more flow while dancing. You will learn a short combo (mini choreo).
Level: Open level

Baladi & Musical Interpretation
Do you love baladi? And do you want to learn more about its structure and how to translate this music while dancing? You will learn a short combo (mini choreo) which focusses on switching between staccato and flow.
Level: Open level – some experience required in Bellydance moves

Bellydance: Arm movement & Intensity
Would you like to become better at using your arms while dancing? Create more intensity and emotion. In this class we will focus on technique as well as on really feeling the music.
Level: Open level

Bank account data
After signing up you will receive a confirmation by email. You can transfer the class fee to bank account NL70 RABO 0132 0096 84 to MounaMay Dance & Pilates. Please mention “Summer Classes Bellydance” or “Summer Classes Pilates and your first- and last name in the subject line.
Note! you can only use the Early Bird discount if you have registered and your payment is received by Thursday June 28.

Presentation Indian Dance kuchipudi | Mudra Centre for Dance

On Sunday 7 July: open presentation of Indian Classical Dance Kuchipudi by Mudra Centre for Dance.
For almost 4 years Jaswina Bihari has been leading a group of wonderful dancers at CLOUD/Danslab. On Sundays she teaches from 10.30-12:00. This time she will also be presenting !

Kuchipudi is one of the eleven major Indian classical dances. It originated in a village named Kuchipudi in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Kuchipudi is a dance-drama performance, with its roots in the ancient Hindu Sanskrit text of Natya Shastra. It developed as a religious art linked to traveling bards, temples and spiritual beliefs, like all major classical dances of India.

Long Distance Collaboration | Ludic Collective

22-28 July 2019

Ludic Collective is essentially a small community of open-minded artists of different disciplines, with members currently scattered around the planet Earth. With passion for food, playing, experimenting, dance, music, devising and generally having fun, Ludic wants to collaborate with various artists and non-artists. 

Collectively we produce: performances /workshops /soundscapes /doodles /animation /text and meals, etc.

​Ludic focuses on creating  movement-based theatre. However, things are always shifting and Ludic members work to bring in individual projects to the group and support each others’ projects.

Ludic likes to eat together, share ridiculous ideas, make stuff, create a BIG MESS and conduct many trial failures without feeling the deep fall.

In this residency they will explore ‘long distance collaboration’, where they will bring together Bucharest, London, Gothenborg in the CLOUD studio. They also invited Kate Slezak to present her workshop during their time in the studio.

Sensory Experience | Kate Slezak

3- day workshop by Kate Slezak 25-26-27 July 2019

Rendering art reflective practise & proces making

July 25

11:30- 13:30 : entering the body, thinking about normalities; – from slowness to shaking

14:30 – 17:30 : creative workshop

July 26

11:30 – 13:30 : becoming – withs in intra active spaces ; – W. ‘Lecture’

14:30 – 17:30 : creative workshop

July 27

11:30 – 13:30 : digital performance and virtual body ; – monitoring movement and the art of conversation.

14:30 – 17:30 : creative workshop.

  • Intersecting embodied practise and and social critical discourse within interdisciplinary art making practise / process.
  • Participate is solo and collective movement and choreographic based exercises.
  • Call upon and access your subjective creative abilities.
  • Engage in reflective discussion
  • move and think together.

This workshop is open to anyone interested in furthering or beginning their art making practise/ process. Each day will be structured to an according subject; participants are ree to atend any 1-6 sessions. A donation of 5 – 15 € per session is encouraged. ( please contact Kate if money is an issue)

email questions / rsvp @ kate.slezak95 – Or ust show up !

And all That Pop / Keren Ben Shachar and Eliott Marmouset

” We meet each other on the verge of reality, somewhere on the street or at the end of the party. The different meetings are like resets, attempts to conncet with each other. Our bodies, so as our characters, relate in different ways. Each of these attempts takes a new form, a different expressivity. How do we experience an ambivalent look or an off-putting celebration of feathers and who are we for each other in this inconsistent reality? ”

Keren will give open class at CLOUD/Danslab,
you are welcome to join!
For any question about it please contact her
benshachar.keren {at}

Contemporary dance class
Tuesday 9 July 9:00-10:30
Thursday 11 July 9:00-10:30
Tuesday 16 July 9:00-10:30
Thursday 18 July 9:00-10:30

Presentation residency research
Saturday 19 July at 17:00

On February 2018 we, Keren and Eliott, started working on the Duet ”And all that Pop” in Riksteatern Stockholm (SE). During the residency at CLOUD/Danslab we will keep developing our work.

We are interested in the coexistence of seriousness and humor as well as oddness and normality. We found that humor is a key to communicate and allow the audience to access our world. Playing with physical and theatrical intentions (‘states’) and shifting/ transforming between them we will be exploring different ways of communication. We will research the ambivalence that lies in communication using voice, body and intentions in contradictory ways. How a subtle smile or a distant look can change our reaction and the way the action will be perceived. 

Twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday between 9:00 – 11:30 we invite you to join our warm up! We will be sharing some ideas and exercises which we use for our research. We will explore the body as a medium of communication through use of voice, ‘states’, imagination and ‘theatrical’ elements. Using these elements, we will research the themes of humor, sense-making, absurdity and narrative.

About us

Keren Ben Shacharis a dancer, performer and maker living in the Netherlands. 
She was born in Haifa, Israel (1992). She completed her studies at ArtEZ University of Arts, Arnhem (NL), BA Dancer/Maker (2018).

As a dancer/ performer, Keren worked with the maker Lorenzo Capodieci and performed the trio ‘Dis-is’, participated at the video dance ‘Point of Change’ by PRIME collective – Daniel Barkan & Enrico Meijer. She performed at different art installations by the Dutch visual artist Cindy Moorman and by Chataine Moekardanoein her work ‘Stage Vivant'(NL). 

Together with her colleague Johanna Tengan, they participated in PA.R.T.S summer residencies (BE), investigating physical methods to develop body/mind presence and awareness. She created the group piece ‘MASScontemplation’ together with her colleagueHellen Boyko for Kibbutzim College (IL).  Together with the collective Sneezy Sneakers she created and performed the Trio ‘Prelude’ which performed at Hooge80 festival (NL) and Summer Stage PT (2017). She worked as a rehearsal assistant with Amos Ben-Tal for the creation ‘The Appearance of things’ at ArtEZ Academy (NL) and was invited by ArtEZ Master of Architecture to teach at the Proprioception Workshop, Tromsø(NO). Supported by the Israeli fund ‘Mifal HaPais for Culture and Arts’ she participated in two intensive workshops by David Zambranno (GR, PT).

As performer and choreographer Keren is interested to create different experiences that will both touch and challenge her audiences. She loves working with movement; visual images; physical theatre and she often uses the elements of irony, absurdity, human morals and emotions in her works.

Eliott Marmousetis a dancer, performer and maker, currently based in Stockholm (SE). He was born in Fontainebleau (FR) in 1994. He completed a Dancer/ Maker BA in ArtEZ Institute of the Arts in Arnhem (NL) in 2018. Prior to that, he graduated from a Product Design study at the ENSAAMA in Paris (FR) in 2014. 

For the season 2019-2020 he will be working with Cullberg-Ballet in Stockholm (SE). With them he has had a year internship and a guest contract for the last two years where he worked with makers such as: Mathias Anderson, Eleanor Bauer in collaboration with rap artist «Yung lean », Ludvig Daae, Jefta Van Dinther, Deborah Hay, and Alma Soderberg. 

Besides that Eliott has been working as a freelance dancer on a piece by Albert Quesada produced by «Mercat de les flores »during winter 2019 in Barcelona (ES). 

As a maker he has collaborated with Hellen Boyko on «skype duet »a piece dealing with abstraction and «in between the form in between »a piece on aspirations dreams and all sorts of ambitions. Within the collective «sneezy sneakers »he has co-created «Prelude »a trio that explores the making of emotions, and proposes a hectic journey through them. 

Facebook event

Photo : Eric Kellerman

THE UNCONSCIOUS MOVE | Residency Sebastian Pickering Pedersen

10-21 June 2019

PRESENTATION : 21 June at 5 pm

Open Morning Labs : 11/13/15/18/20 June from 9:30 till 11:00

Sebastian Pickering Pedersen

Danish/Canadian dancer, dance-maker and musician, b. 1994, Aarhus, Denmark. He has a varied background as a dancer, classical guitarist, fencer and white water canoeist.

As a choreographer he was recently artist in Residency at Performing Arts Platform in Denmark researching photography vs. movement/choreography with his collective aNorange, with whom he is currently working towards the premiere of their first longer piece. As a dancer he will be working with Icelandic Dance Company in January and Nicole Beutler (NB Projects) later in spring.

He is currently working on his movement research concerning involuntary/unconscious movement and has a flair for floor work and physical theatre.

During 2 weeks of exploration and creation at CLOUD, I will be working with different physical, theatrical and visual aspects of unconsciousness. Building on previous research concerning “Involuntary/unconscious movement” I will be continuing to work with physical tasks aiming to provoke the body to move without the performer consciously choosing to do so. The includes working with balance (loss), manipulation of the body and provoking physical reactions. I wish to combine this with a more theatrical approach by imitating states of consciousness – how can we theatrically express being conscious or unconscious? Can we create or imitate a state of in between – eg. sleep walking, being drunk, constantly switching between loosing and gaining consciousness?

The aim of this residency is to start transforming material and tasks from a practical movement research into a more artistic direction by finding out what images and associations appear from the exploration of physical and theatrical consciousness. By working with the theme and its tasks, what references might appear? What scenes can be built? What aesthetic does it have – does it have an aesthetic at all? Does it bring a context of its own, or does it need to be put in a certain “staged” context to have a meaning?


To prepare ourselves for working physically throughout the day, the warm ups will be working our stamina through floor work, partnering and improvisation, but also focus on more intricate exercises in balance and adding subtle theatricality to our ways of moving.

LAYER BY LAYER | Residency Una Wiplinger

1 – 8 June 2019

Una Minou Wiplinger

BA in Eurhythmics/Music and Movement Pedagogy at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (mdw). A piano and voice pedagogue, she is also active as artist and educator in the fields of dance and theatre for children and adults. She is working as a freelance dancer, musician and eurhythmics practitioner and is a member of the Austrian dance and performance company schallundrauch agency

See the world as a mystery.

An onion with many layers.

Look beneath the surface.

Peel things to it ́s core.

Follow the threads of life.

LAYER BY LAYER is an interdisciplinary performance project. Dance, textile art and live music will fuse together. Therefore, I am collaborating with Claire Chatel, a French-Austrian textile artist and designer, as well as with two Austrian musicians.


Universe- Worlds- Body- Society- Movement- Living beings- Thoughts- Materials- Emotions- Stories- Relations- Life- Textiles- Systems- Perception- Dreams- Sounds- People… are complex.

They consist of many elements, of different layers. Their structure is being shaped by time, by life. Each experience leaves marks, shaping and changing the story. Sounds, textiles and movements can be broken down into their finest fragments. They can condense and dissolve themselves. They influence and communicate, connect, separate or envelop each other. The performer plunges into different layers, atmospheres of different surroundings, and into her own inner universe.

Fields of Research & Questions:

Textiles, sounds and the anatomy of the body consist of layers, waves, and structures. We see and hear, but usually we only perceive “the whole” or rather the uppermost layers.

To what extent can a human being perceive deeper layers and differentiate between them? In more concrete terms: To what extent can we feel the structure of a fabric on our skin, feel our fascias, make out the different voices of a sound carpet or perceive the feeling that lies hidden beneath another?

FALLING IN: body, space, fragmentation | Residency Marta Worner

Marta Worner’s research exposition (13-26 May 2019)

Showing the outcome of the residency on 26 May

1st Show : 14:30 – 15:30

2nd Show : 16:30 – 17:30

Open attending sessions between 20 – 22 May

( see section “participation” for more info)

While space becomes fragmented, Marta researches around the ability of the body to become, through the simple act of falling into the unknown.

About the research

After two years of practice-led research framed within the Choreography Master program of Codarts and Fontys Universities, Marta finds herself in the final phase of her inquiry in which she will bring together her two lines of inquiry, the destructuration of the space through scenographic tools and its relation with the kinetics of the body. Below the inspirational umbrella of the idea of performing the Deleuzian concept of “becoming”, Marta addresses the dichotomy structure-destructure and its application and affections to the body.

Inspired by the Deleuzian concept of “becoming” (coming from the Latin verb “devenire” which means “coming down, falling in, arriving to”) Marta Wörner proposes the inquire of the act of “fall in” as a tool for de-patterning, a physical door to the unknown. The research will be presented one the one hand by an exposition of her documentation and on the other hand by an interdisciplinary movement work. The resulting interdisciplinary piece is a playful physical and spatial dialogue between controlling and “falling in”, or between balance and uncertainty that happens in a fragmented and multidimensional space. Starting from the destructuration of the space through the scenographic practice Marta uses an interactive steel construction with video projections together with sound and light design tools to build a fragmented universe that challenges the body to find its place inside that fluent setting through a process of becoming or falling in. The research has been led by an always changing, falling research question: How the fragmentation and destructuration of the space relate to the kinetic action of falling knowledge of my findings?

During the residency at CLOUD/DANSLAB

In this artistic residency at Cloud/Danslab, Marta Wörner will be experimenting on how to present her research documentation through the exposition model. Rather than create an academic paper to share her research, Marta has the aim to facilitate an experience that allows the audience to enter into the research universe she has been diving in during these years and to generate new knowledge together with the viewer’s experience and presence. For that, Marta will design an interactive space that, in coherence with her performative work, allows a nomadic experience in which the audience can access her documentation freely but guided and informed. During the residency, Marta will invite artists from different fields to allow their experiences and comments to influence her design.


If you are interested in participating, experiencing or questioning Marta’s research during the residency period, please, write an email to with a short text explaining why would you like to attend to one of the research sessions and your availability between the 20th and 22nd of May. Moreover, there will be a showing of the outcome of the residency period during the 26th of May. If you would like to attend, please, send an email to .The participation in both activities is free of charge, as it is thought of as an exchange. However, the inscription is necessary and the commitment to the appointment is appreciated.

About Marta Wörner

Marta Wörner is a motivated and enthusiastic interdisciplinary artist trained in modern dance in different countries and a Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication. Throughout her career, she combines contemporary dance and audiovisual work such as projections and soundscapes for her performances. As a choreographer, she is seeking for expressive and artistic languages that can evolve from the interaction and mixture of different art fields and formats. She aims to create vocabularies that entail a transdisciplinary language.


SOUL#3 CO-CREATION,  the new work

The creative hubs exchange is an opportunity to witness a process and to share ideas and eventually take part in the future of an art work: here a dance performance

With this new part of the SOUL serie Jerome and Isabelle question the concept of co-creation in the context of dance theater performance and see the role that play such approach in the making of and in the result of the performance self.

With the SOUL project they are engaging reflection about audience’s freedom and free will, about identity and the act of engaging or not engaging in the course of an action.

With Meyer and Chaffaud’s statement – the audience, the performers and the makers as active co-creator force, how far can we go together to create an intellectually engaged work as well as an immersive unique experience?

When: 9 April
Where: CLOUD/danslab

We start at 19:00
A free soup will be served from 18:30

Expect ending at 20:30
Reservation wished at :
More info about the dance company here

Facebook event is here

HARUSPEX | Residency Sannety

Over the last years I have created a
performance instrument in Max/ MSP to
improvise with rhythmic patterns. Time can
shrink and expand, patterns can morph, and
the temporal gestures can reappear in other
musical parameters that you can play with,
through applying algorithms and lists.

The idea to create this particular software instrument came from my appreciation for, and study of Carnatic music, explorations of Gamelan music and other, often non-Western, musics that live in a place where rhythm is approached with more sense of adventure than a 4/4 bar has to offer, as well as being inspired by the great beatmakers of our time. Using mostly percussive sounds, I explore each track within its own space / material / constraints, and can venture into abstract tapestries of percussion or mangled beats. My interests: testing the limits of memory and pattern recognition, defamiliarizing the familiar and vice versa, wavering between the natural and the artificial, intuition and logic, digital and
analogue, de-/re- programming of systems.
Besides solo performances, I play in a duo with bassplayer Trevor Dunn ‘Spermchurch’, and in another duo with Gerri Jaeger Grafwerk. I’m currently also working on my first performance with dance, with choreographer Louis Clément da Costa. This piece will premiere at the STRP
Festival in Eindhoven april 2019.

Presentation of the residency two weeks

Saturday 16 February at 19:00 at CLOUD/Danslab

FALLING IN | Marta Wörner

pre- Residency Workshop: 

26 & 28 Feb 16:30 – 19:30 / 2 & 9 March 10:30 – 13:30/ 3&10 March 13:00 – 16:00

Fee​: 15 euros* for the whole workshop.
*The symbolic fee of the workshop is meant to cover the cost of the space. However, if any participant has a firm wish to attend but an honest economical impediment, the participant can communicate the situation to the organization and not be charged

In this workshop, we will explore the physical, psychical and sensorial implications of the action of “falling in”.
Inspired by the Deleuzian concept of “becoming” (coming from the Latin verb “devenire” which means “coming down, falling in, arriving to”) Marta Wörner proposes the inquire of the fall as a physical door to the unknown. Understanding “falling in” as an uncontrolled abandoning the body to the force of gravity and embracing its implication on the mental state of the performer, we will focus in the re-organization of the body in between moments of physical balance.
It is a play between controlling and “falling in” in which the participants will inquire the potential of their articulated movement, the openness of the body worked through the relaxation and conscious use of the core, and the awareness of the space.

The kinetics of the human body and its ability to reorganize itself to become another thrives me. As a maker, Marta is interested in exploring its interaction with other structures that do not change or move that way, as the established structures in the city or fundamental building blocks of our thoughts and beliefs.

The workshop also has the aim to invite a selection of participants to the following artistic residency of Marta Wörner at CLOUD DansLab, in which she will continue developing her artistic research.

Defining the body as a natural structure, she always wanted to learn from it. With the firm thought that the body has an inherent valuable knowledge that I can not name yet, but intuit it, I always moved.
Her other fascination is the deconstruction of the space through the scenographic tools and the dramaturgical possibilities of it.
The goal with this research is to build a space between the theatre and the street through the deconstruction of space and scenographic dramaturgy as tools, which allowed me to explore the dichotomy solid-fluent/structure-destructure and its application and affections to the body, all below the inspirational umbrella of the idea of performing the concept of “becoming” and reflecting on it.


The artistic residency at CLOUD DansLab will start with the workshop FALLING between 26 Feb- 10 March , the reserach stage of the residency will be carried out between the 13th and 26th of May.
In this two weeks residency at CLOUD DansLab, Marta wants to explore the implications of transferring my findings on the embodiment of the Deleuzian concept of becoming as a tool for material creation to other dancers/performers..