22-28 July 2019
Ludic Collective is essentially a small community of open-minded artists of different disciplines, with members currently scattered around the planet Earth. With passion for food, playing, experimenting, dance, music, devising and generally having fun, Ludic wants to collaborate with various artists and non-artists.
Collectively we produce: performances /workshops /soundscapes /doodles /animation /text and meals, etc.
Ludic focuses on creating movement-based theatre. However, things are always shifting and Ludic members work to bring in individual projects to the group and support each others’ projects.
Ludic likes to eat together, share ridiculous ideas, make stuff, create a BIG MESS and conduct many trial failures without feeling the deep fall.
In this residency they will explore ‘long distance collaboration’, where they will bring together Bucharest, London, Gothenborg in the CLOUD studio. They also invited Kate Slezak to present her workshop during their time in the studio.