All posts by Jerome Meyer

Presentation | 3X3Generations | June 10

CLOUD is proud to present the edition  of 3X3Generations #3
on June 10th at 20:00.
Please check our: Facebook event

Nine performers, three from each generation, from advanced amateurs to professional dancers are creating an open composition
This blind-date encounter start in the afternoon with a workshop.

LINE-UP: Elena Sgarbi, Josse Vessies, Fazle Shairmahomed, Bahar Farshchi, Jozef Sloots, Johan Wijlage, Elena Iachininoto, Rachel de Wolff and Alina Fejzo.

Moderator: Eline van Ark.

Doors open at 19:30 at DCR
Start at 20:00
Entrance fee € 5

Many thanks to Dansdrift and CLOUD/Danslab
Powered by  CLOUD  Jérôme
